Logic/Set Theory

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Students will determine if a relation is an equivalence relation over a given set.
Students will describe sets using set builder notation. Students will define, use notation of, and pictorially represent set theory concepts, including union, intersection, element of, cardinality, complement, subset, and proper subset.
Students will apply the modus ponens and/or m
Students will apply quantifiers, conditionals, negations, contrapositives, converses, and inverses to determine the validity of logic statements.
Students will represent sentences in symbolic form and use the tools of truth tables and symbolic logic in assessing equivalence and validity.
Students will determine equivalence between sentences involving conjunctions, disjunctions, negations, and or/conditions.
Students will determine truth tables for sentences and use Venn diagrams to illustrate the relationships represented by these truth tables.
Students will use Karnaugh Maps to simplify Boolean algebra expressions.

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